Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Butterfly Poem

During my travels on the web, I happened across a poem entitled "The Butterfly of Life" posted by T.K. I think Rita would have enjoyed it.

"The Butterfly of Life"

Life is a butterfly.....flopping its wings...
Like a butterfly our delicate self....
Tomorrow is unstable...and our body as well....
Will we exist now...if so how long...?
will we exist tomorrow...what are the events...?

Life is a butterfly dancing free...
Flopping our wings if we are really immortal

Life is a butterfly.....a momentary creature
Its short life span....its gentle glow...
Yet so graciously we shill dance
Like the butterfly...exploring the distance....
The many many trial......and for how long...
The uncertainty that is sunrise.......brings tears to my eyes...
Thus no matter the irony....that spices up life.....we each must journey on
And make each step worth wild.........

living to love...
Loving to dream..
Dreaming to hope...
Hoping to live a prosperous life...
Filled with smiles....and tears of kindness...
From all those that matter most to our one needy heart....

If life is so delicate...then why do they fight...?
If each breathing moment is a chance to shower love...
Then why do they wast time playing games.....?
When we all know tomorrow is a world in its own twist....

Sometimes I wonder..."what am I afraid of"?
And also..."how much should I risk going wild"?
If the probability of my existence for tomorrow is undefined....
A slippery calculation..until it naturally unfold.....

I care so much for everyone else....
Thus sometimes I wonder did I forget to care for self....
Dreams...and reality...goals...short and long.....
Can we reach it...will we be there tomorrow.....?
The answer is left so lose and unstable......
So if tomorrow is unsure.....then why are we so afraid to show love...?
why wast time playing with each other mind...?
When moment to be cherished is so fragile....

As time goes on am thinking to self....
Did I just sat on a fence gazing out...?
when I could be roaming about.....
Tears befell my eyes as I question self....

Butterflies in the garden...the garden of my heart....
Tears drops on roses...the blossom of our love....
The more I think.......the more I realize.....
Why not take a calculated risk....and be by your side.....
Because what are the odds...of me finding a heart so warming
All that he wanted was some loving.......... sweet...the honey smell of spring....
Grasses will sprout out....
Flowers will soon show its delicate hue...
And the bees will buzz right seek of nectar
The flowers of life......

Oh fuzzy clouds...and morning Sunshine....
Oh feathery birds and the breezy air....
High above me dancing free....
Me below embracing life....
My heart beats on its simple tune.....
I want you here....I want to be there...
where ever you are, I wish to remain by your side...
Together forever........even in soul we shall love........immortally....
This poem I dedicate to him alone.......hope he faithfulness....will never subside....


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